Title: Hours and Times Fandom: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, by John Le Carré Pairing: Jim Prideaux/Bill Haydon Rating: Teen Warnings: None Word count: 300 Summary: Bill is Bill; Jim is stoic. Notes: Written for flo_nelja, who asked for Jim and Bill in their youth. Title from this Shakespeare sonnet, of course.
Title: Guardian Fandom: John LeCarré's Smiley novels, especially The Honourable Schoolboy. Character: Fawn Rating: Teen Warning: ( skip) Mild self-harm. Summary: The Chief's gone again, and no one cares except Fawn. Spoilers: Set during The Honourable Schoolboy, but no spoilers for that book. Does include a major spoiler for Tinker, Tailor, Soldier
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